Welcome to Year 4
Teacher- Miss Dwyer
Teaching Support- Miss Maddocks ,Miss Hickman
PPA cover- Mrs Ball/ Madame Spence
If you need to contact me at any point then please send me a message on the app or email me at year4@olv.bcwcat.co.uk
Our Class prayer
Dear God,
Thank you for our friends, our teachers and the people in our school.
Help us to be brave, resilient and kind.
Keep everyone safe and keep the classroom as best as it can be.
Let us build confidence and have the best days of our lives.
Help us to achieve together in God's love.
Fabulous Facts
Year 4 Autumn Newsletter 2022
Termly Overview
A massive welcome you to Year 4. During this autumn term we are starting our new topic called Rainforest Adventure. We will be locating Rainforests around the world and looking into all aspects of them, including climate, plant life, animals and tribes that live there.
In English we will be looking at stories from other cultures which overlaps nicely with our rainforest topic.
In Maths we will be revisiting place value, mental and written methods for addition and subtraction. We will also be learning our times tables. We need to learn and know all of them up to 12s.
Our RE topic this term is The Bible. Here we will be looking closely at the bible and the many books that it contains. We will also be focusing on Old Testament stories.
During the term our Science topic is habitats and plants which also overlaps with our topic work. Here we will look at animal classification, also the parts of plants and what plants need to survive. We will also be looking into photosynthesis.
Things you could do at home
- Please read with your child as regularly as possible. I ask for a minimum of three times a week. Daily if possible. Reading books are required to be brought in daily. If your child has read their book and it has been signed then it will be changed. Your child will receive two books. I ask that you read as much as you can. I know sometimes it can be tricky to fit it in but it is for your child's benefit.
- When reading, check for meaning and understanding.
- New spellings will be given every Friday, children will be tested on these on Thursday mornings.
- It will be helpful for children to practice their handwriting at home. This will help presentation in books and will encourage children to take pride in their work.
- Practise times tables on a regular basis. Your child should know all of their times tables. We will have to complete the statutory times tables test in June 2023. All pupils will be taking part in this. Please make the most of the Mathshed subscription we have. If you require your log child's log in, then please get in touch.
Fabulous Facts
At the start of each half term, I will send out a sheet with key information regarding our topic work. Please use this as a talking point and look at the vocabulary together with your child. Fabulous fact will help to enhance your child's learning and vocabulary around our topic.
Our PE will be on a Wednesday and a Thursday. Your child can come to school in their PE kit on those days. Please follow the school P.E. policy for advice on what children should be wearing for P.E. Pumps can be kept at school in a bag on your child's peg. Trainers will not be permitted.
School Trips
This term we will be going to Gaze Gill Farm on the 23 September 2022 and Tropical World on 24 November 2022. These are fantastic opportunities for your children. There will be more information sent out about these ASAP. Please ensure that you have returned your child's medical forms.